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Master Replenisher: A Talk with Maestro Manuel Rufino

From Master Cleanser To Master Replenisher: The reason why cleansing diets do not work.

We are taught that the most important part of any cleanse or fast is the way we break it and how we integrate whole foods back into our lifestyle. In a culture where the emphasis is largely on detoxification and not on the replenishment of nutrients, we are caught in a cycle of robbing our bodies of minerals needed to sustain health.

Join us for this special lecture on nutrition, and learn all the ingredients needed to replenish depleted bodies and live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Cost: FREE!

Maestro Manuel Rufino

Maestro Manuel Rufino is a recognized elder in the Taino tradition and World Director of M.A.I.S.C. He is a spiritual guide, gifted ceremonial leader and teacher of sacred initiatic traditions of the world. Maestro Manuel is also an artist, certified iridologist, naturo-therapist, vegetarian chef & the visionary guiding the Golden Drum community and many vegetarian restaurants including Jungle Café in Brooklyn. Guided by his teacher, Maestro Domingo Dias Porta, Maestro Manuel has been following the trails of indigenous healing arts for over 48 years. Maestro Manuel travels around the world sharing initiatic traditions, leading workshops, lectures, sweat lodges and healing rituals.